Extensive Recreation Management Area (ERMAs) for the DRECP, Preferred Alternative.
This dataset identifies areas on BLM managed lands in the DRECP planning area that are proposed for designation as Extensive Recreation Management Areas (ERMAs) in the DRAFT DRECP Alternatives.
Extensive Recreation Management Areas are BLM administrative units that require specific management consideration in order to address recreation use and demand. The ERMAs are managed to support and sustain the principal recreation activities and associated qualities and conditions. Recreation management actions within an ERMA are limited to only those of a custodial nature. Management of ERMA areas is commensurate with the management of other resources and resource uses.
This dataset was derived from the original DRECP integrative alternatives provided by Dudek. The geometry was simplified slightly in order to improve online performance. The integrated alternative shapefiles represent the proposed Plan-wide action alternatives, as described in Volume II of the Public Draft DRECP (2014). The original DRECP integrated alternative shapefiles can be downloaded directly from the DRECP website at the following URL: http://www.drecp.org/draftdrecp/files/GIS/