These data are an extraction of California Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Areas within the DRECP
12km buffered boundary, from PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2.
Including: Camp Cady Wildlife Area, Cartago Wildlife Area, Chuckwalla Bench, Colorado River Access, Desert Tortoise Habitat Areas, East Mojave Desert, Fremont Valley Ecological Reserve, Imperial Wildlife Area, Indian Joe Spring Ecological Reserve, Indian Wells Valley, Kelso Peak and Old Dad Mountains Wildlife Area, King Clone Ecological Reserve, Marble Mountains Wildlife Area, Mission Creek, Mojave River, Mountain Sheep Watering Area, Old Woman Mountains Bighorn Sheep Range, Ord-Rodman, Palo Verde Ecological Reserve, Piute Creek Ecological Reserve, San Felipe Creek Ecological Reserve, Tabaseca and West Mojave Desert Ecological Reserve.
Edition) Version 2 is a national database of protected fee lands in the
United States.PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 has been redesigned to be used along with the National Conservation Easement Database (NCED), to visualize the entire terrestrial conservation estate of the United States. PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 is limited to the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. It does not include protected areas data for U.S. territories at this time. Protected areas are cornerstones of national and international conservation strategies. By way of these designations, lands and waters are set aside in-perpetuity to preserve functioning natural ecosystems, act as refuges for species, and maintain ecological processes. Complementary conservation strategies preserve land for the sustainable use of natural resources, or for the protection of significant geologic and cultural features or open space. The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 data set portrays the nation's protected areas with standardized spatial geometry and numerous valuable attributes on land ownership, management designations, and conservation status (using national GAP and international IUCN coding systems). The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 defines protected area to include all fee lands dedicated to the preservation of biology diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, and managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means (adapted from IUCN definition). The database represents the full range of fee conservation designations that preserve these natural resources in the United States. Our database does not distinguish a protection threshold above which biodiversity is considered secure. Instead, a complete suite of protected area attributes are provided for each polygon with the purpose of giving users the information they need to define the most relevant conservation thresholds for their own objectives and requirements. Collaborating with the nation's leading data providers, the goal is to provide an annual update. For more information about this dataset, and to download the full US dataset, please go to: