DRECP NCCP Reserve Design is nested within the NCCP Conceptual Plan-Wide Reserve Design. BLM lands and non-BLM Lands included in the DRECP NCCP Reserve Design would receive long-term protection and would be conserved and managed to preserve and enhance Natural Communities and habitat for Covered Species.
The DRECP NCCP Reserve Design identifies those lands within BLM LUPA conservation designations that would be protected, maintained, and managed to preserve their conservation value for Covered Species for at least the duration of the NCCP. Identified BLM Conservation Lands cover areas of key biological importance in the DRECP NCCP Reserve Design and in the NCCP Conceptual Plan-Wide Reserve Design.
Within non-BLM lands, areas identified within the DRECP NCCP Reserve Design would be given a high priority for conservation through the purchase of private lands or conservation easements from willing sellers. Once acquired, these lands would be added to the NCCP Reserve, and would be managed for the long-term for the values for which they were acquired.
This dataset was derived from the original DRECP integrative alternatives provided by Dudek. The geometry was simplified slightly in order to improve online performance. The integrated alternative shapefiles represent the proposed Plan-wide action alternatives, as described in Volume II of the Public Draft DRECP (2014). The original DRECP integrated alternative shapefiles can be downloaded directly from the DRECP website at the following URL: http://www.drecp.org/draftdrecp/files/GIS/