Tehachapi slender salamander - Species Distribution Model Map, DRECP

Apr 29, 2013 (Last modified Dec 18, 2013)
Open Map
This map shows output from the CBI statistical (Maxent) species distribution model for the Tehachapi slender salamander, Batrachoseps stebbinsi.

The CBI Maxent output includes both continuous and thresholded data. The binary layer depicting predicted suitable habitat was derived using the maximum training sensitivity and specificity threshold (0.094).

This model has a 10-fold cross validated AUC score of 0.799 (standard deviation 0.077). This model has a 10-fold cross validated AUC score of 0.920 (standard deviation 0.075).

Disclaimer: Species occurrence data shown on map are not a 100% complete representation of all locations of a given species.
Conservation Biology Institute
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Conservation Biology Institute

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